Category: Beach Huts

Callaways’ New Home

Callaways’ New Home

"Callaways' New Home" We've moved! On a day-to-day basis, our clients are usually the ones to say those magic words. This year we get the chance to join in.  We are also the proud owners of a brand new 'home'.

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Beach Hut Family Celebrations

Beach Hut Family Celebrations

International Day of Families Celebrate At Your Beach Hut! The International Day of Families falls on 15 May each year. It's a United Nations initiative that has been an annual event since 1993 and aims to shine a light on the importance of family life and also the difficulties and challenges so many face.

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Boots and Beach Huts – Made for Walking

Boots and Beach Huts – Made for Walking

Boots and Beach Huts - Made for Walking These boots (and beach huts) were made for walking Doing your 10,000 steps a day was quite the thing until some strange people realised they could cheat by attaching their phone to the dog! Sadly some will always look for lazy ways to do even the healthiest things.

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Inspirational Beach Huts for IWD

Inspirational Beach Huts for IWD

"Inspirational Beach Huts" International Women's Day The 'weather people' say Spring starts on 1  March, traditionalists think it's the Solstice on the 21st, but we all know it's starting soon! Many beach hut owners will be looking around for inspiration to help with a decorating makeover and we've got a great suggestion - Inspirational Beach Huts for IWD (International Women's Day)! IWD International Women's Day (IWD) is on 8 March this year and it celebrates the achievements of women all over the world.

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Beach Hut Winter Warmers

Beach Hut Winter Warmers

Beach Hut Winter Warmers Alcohol-Free Drinks The festivities are over and the New Year is well and truly here. You may be one of many people turning their thoughts to Dry January.  Always keen to take a walk along the seafront I love looking at beach huts.

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Beach Hut Fire Safety

Beach Hut Fire Safety

Beach Hut Fire Safety Remember, Remember, Fire & Timber! When the temperature drops, November often feels more like winter than autumn. Stormy weather (thanks Ciaran) seems to be more frequent at this time of year these days.

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Hallowe’en Huts

Hallowe’en Huts

"Hallowe'en Huts" Spooky October Hallowe'en Hallowe'en has become a big event in the UK in recent years. In many ways it has taken over from the traditions of Bonfire night a week later. Making the old Guy Fawkes effigies used to be a kids’ favourite, but today the more commercialised Hallowe'en costumes are more popular with young and old alike.

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Beach Huts “Back to School”

Beach Huts “Back to School”

Back To School... Back To Reality! Traditionally, September is the month when farmers harvest their crops. In times gone by, this was connected to the autumnal equinox that occurs towards the end of the month, the 24 hour period when the hours of day and night are equal.

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