Category: Beach Huts

Beach Huts Use your Loaf

Beach Huts Use your Loaf

BEACH HUTS Use Your Loaf Pass the Sandwiches! Supermarket white sliced, artisan sourdough or even homemade, everyone has a favourite type of loaf. What's more, this versatile staple of human diets the world over has so many different applications that bread really does offer something for everyone.

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Beach Huts Picnics & Ice Cream

Beach Huts Picnics & Ice Cream

"Beach Huts" Picnics & Ice Cream Are You Celebrating Picnic Month or Ice Cream Month? July is usually expected to be the hottest month of the year in the UK. On 18 and 19 July 2022,  temperatures of over 40°C were recorded for the first time in the country.

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Summer Sun Beach Hut Fun

Summer Sun Beach Hut Fun

"Summer Sun, Beach Hut Fun" Time for beach hut fun We have every right to think that in June we'll have some blazing hot weather and clear blue skies - although we also know that the Great British weather doesn't always deliver on cue! Let's take a look at summer sun, beach hut fun and plan ahead for (hopefully) some good weather to come.

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Beach Huts Perfect for Bank Holidays

Beach Huts Perfect for Bank Holidays

"Beach Huts" Perfect For Bank Holidays This year the month of May has more Bank Holidays than usual. And of course, these provide plenty of opportunities for beach hut owners to make the most of their very own piece of British coastal cultural history.

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Easter Perfect for Beach Huts

Easter Perfect for Beach Huts

"Easter Perfect for Beach Huts" Why Easter is Perfect for Beach Huts In the UK, Easter Sunday can fall on any date between 22 March and 25 April.  So each year this holiday season can take on a distinctly different feel.

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Beach Huts Spring Action

Beach Huts Spring Action

Spring Action Battle for Your Beach Hut! Named after Mars, the God of War, the month of March also sees the Spring Equinox.  This is when light beats darkness as the days become longer than the nights.

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Love your Beach Hut

Love your Beach Hut

Love your Beach Hut Darling Beach Huts Love is in the air as it is on every Valentine's Day and for beach hut owners that presents a great chance to fall for your little piece of British seaside history all over again.

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Beach Huts New Year Resolutions

Beach Huts New Year Resolutions

Beach Huts  New Year Resolutions As 2023 begins ideas for how to do things differently in the New Year are usually in our minds. When the mind in question belongs to a beach hut owner then things can get quite imaginative, so what are you going to do this year that marks a change from the last few? Let's delve into the possibilities of 'Beach Huts New Year Resolutions'.

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Beach Hut Xmas Decor

Beach Hut Xmas Decor

"Beach Hut Xmas Decor" Decor for under £50! We all love putting up the decorations at Christmastime. Many beach hut owners love to get into the festive spirit by giving their very own place on the prom a festive makeover.

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Beach Huts Non-Domestic Rates

Beach Huts Non-Domestic Rates

'Beach Huts' Non-Domestic Rates Congratulations!  You're a beach hut owner with all the responsibilities that entails. Your monetary responsibilities run to paying your Annual Licence Fee, insurance, repairs and maintenance (either DIY or a professional).

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