Category: Beach Huts

Beach Hut Viewing Tips

Beach Hut Viewing Tips

"Beach Huts" Beach Hut Viewing Tips How long does it take to view a beach hut?  Five, ten or twenty minutes? If you answered "5 minutes", I’d hazard a guess that you’re not truly taking as much time as you should!  How long does it actually take to view the interior and exterior of a 6 x 6 shed? When you purchase a licence for a Beach Hut in Brighton & Hove, you will spend a minimum of 3 years visiting and enjoying your property on the prom.

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Beach Hut DIY Selling

Beach Hut DIY Selling

"Beach Hut DIY Selling" Selling your Beach Hut to Family & Friends In my last blog, I asked the question, “Should you sell your beach hut to a friend, family member or neighbour?”  Did it make you think about Beach Hut DIY Selling? Mixing business and pleasure together can create tension, disappointment and worse if things don’t go as well as expected.

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Beach Huts Biz or Pleasure

Beach Huts Biz or Pleasure

Beach Huts Selling? Biz or Pleasure? Should you sell your beach hut to a friend, family member or neighbour?  This is when the age-old discussion about ‘mixing business with pleasure’ comes into the frame.

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Beach Hut Fever

Beach Hut Fever

"Beach Hut Fever" Record requests for Beach Huts The weather is hotting up, and a somewhat slow start to the year of sales of beach huts has turned into a fever pitch.  I'm getting record requests for beach huts in Brighton & Hove this spring and moving into summer.

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Beach Hut Sunshine Getaway

Beach Hut Sunshine Getaway

"Beach Huts" Sunshine Getaway Are you getting that itchy feeling about needing a post-lockdown sunshine getaway?  Where would you like to go next?  Dubai, Barbados, Singapore, Gold Coast, Bali? Brighton & Hove for a beach hut sunshine getaway! We locals are well aware of everything Brighton & Hove has to offer, with its abundance of amenities.

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Beach Hut Demand

Beach Hut Demand

"Beach Hut Demand" Brighton & Hove Beach Huts This month, I had planned to write on what to include in the sale of your beach hut.  Why? To make your property on the prom more appealing to purchasers.

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Beach Hut Happiness

Beach Hut Happiness

"Beach Huts Brighton & Hove" Beach Hut Happiness If you're new to Brighton & Hove, you'll maybe not fully understand why beach huts are held in such high esteem by its residents.  Thousands of UK and overseas visitors to our Sussex coast photograph them each year!  Beach huts are brightly coloured, wooden and iconic - decorating Hove's prom in all seasons.

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Beach Huts Selling Prep

Beach Huts Selling Prep

"Beach Huts Brighton & Hove" Selling Prep - documents and information OK, so let's get this straight - a beach hut is a 'property on the prom', not a garden shed!  When you sell your property on the prom, you need to do some initial selling prep - documents and information, ready for the parties involved in the sale.

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Beach Hut Sales Brochure

Beach Hut Sales Brochure

"Beach Huts Brighton & Hove" Colour Sales Brochure Who can fail to be mesmerised by the sight of our colourful beach huts?  Then, as night follows day, surely the humble beach hut deserves a full colour beach hut sales brochure when you decide to sell?  Simply put, a beach hut may be a 'shed' to some of the uninitiated, but to others, it's the culmination of a lifetime of memories, sandwiches, sunshine and seascapes.

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Pricing your Beach Hut

Pricing your Beach Hut

"Beach Huts" Pricing your Beach Hut Generally, the first question a Beach Hut owner asks when thinking about selling his/her beach-hut is, "How much is is worth?' You’ve heard the expression the value of a property is ‘Whatever someone is prepared to pay for it …’ which roughly translates into – dependent on market supply and demand.

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