Category: Sales

Estate Agent Roles Chain

Estate Agent Roles Chain

"Estate Agent Roles" Property Chain in Estate Agency Estate Agent roles chain chasing, is a most important step in selling property.  A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  Property transactions in the UK aptly demonstrate this.

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Estate Agents Generate Offers

Estate Agents Generate Offers

"What Estate Agents do - Generate Offers" Estate Agents Generate Offers One of the most important aspects of your Estate Agent’s role is not only to negotiate a price (or ideally secure the full asking price of course) but actually to generate an offer in the first place!  Too many Agents simply see themselves as people who show buyers around property, hoping that an offer will be forthcoming as a result.

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Housing Affordability

Housing Affordability

"Housing Affordability" House Prices & Affordability House prices may have risen beyond expectation in recent years but, interestingly, housing affordability is at a new high too!  These factors might seem diametrically opposed, yet the opposite is actually true.

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Estate Agents Viewings

Estate Agents Viewings

"What Estate Agents do" Viewings Do you believe that an Estate Agent is simply someone who shows prospective buyers around properties?  This view may seem understandable,  but this simplistic perspective belies the fact that the well-trained Agent knows how to maximize viewings opportunities with the specific objective of prompting a sale.

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Estate Agent Roles

Estate Agent Roles

"Estate Agent Roles" Your Estate Agent Qualifies Your Buyer Estate agent roles are varied - qualifying your buyer will save precious time.  The phrase “Willing and Able” is seldom heard today, as it seems to have disappeared from estate agency documentation.

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Estate Agents Advertising

Estate Agents Advertising

"Estate Agents" Estate Agents Advertising I started out in Estate Agency in the 1980s, (in the good old days!). Back then, all Agents needed was a simple property ad in their shop window and the local newspaper.

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Property Valuations

Property Valuations

"Property Valuations" Property Valuations are possibly the most contentious aspect of estate agency.  Emotions run high when discussing people’s most valuable asset.  Naturally, as Vendor of a property, you will want as high a price as possible for your property.

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Estate Agents Property Advice

Estate Agents Property Advice

"Estate Agents" Property Advice Straight-talking, sincere advice can be invaluable in a world where too many people would just tell you what you want to hear! For example, the oldest trick in the book is for an Agent to suggest an inflated asking price.

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How Saleable is my Property?

How Saleable is my Property?

"I'm thinking of selling my property" Is my property saleable? Are you thinking of moving but at the same time aren’t quite sure whether now is the right time?  We know many property owners who sit and worry, thinking 'How saleable is my property?'  You'll easily find the answers to this, and many other questions which we've indicated below, by calling us for an informal chat.

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