Celebrate March in your Beach Hut by Heather Hilder on March 7, 2025 Celebrate March in Your Beach Hut Beach Hut Celebrations Beach hutters know there’s always something to celebrate. It might just be spending time at your hut on a sunny Tuesday morning or a rainy Thursday afternoon, little pleasures can be most rewarding. The month of March always has some added value. As the weather turns to spring, longer evenings offer more chances for ‘Hut life’ for even the busiest of us. This year however there are even more reasons to be cheerful. Go and celebrate March in your beach hut – maybe more than usual! Early March The month starts off with the first day of spring (if you work for the Met Office, otherwise it’s the 21st!). That’s certainly something to be pleased about after the dull, dark months of winter. Anyone with a connection to Wales (like me, I was born in Barry Island!) will also be celebrating the Feast of Saint David, the patron saint of the country. Making sure that your hut is decked out with daffodils is an easy way to take part, while greeting everyone with the phrase ‘Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus’ (Happy St David’s Day) is slightly more difficult for non-Welsh language speakers. Easter falls later in April this year so Shrove Tuesday is on the fourth of the month. Otherwise known as ‘Pancake Day’ this one is an easy choice for anyone who has a stove and a frying pan at their hut! Mid-month International Women’s Day takes place on 8 March every year. An annual event since the early 1900s, it’s a day that acts as a timely reminder of the struggle women have had in the past for rights including voting, working and being free from discrimination. Sadly for many women even today these are still issues they have to deal with. Whether you’re female or male you can show your support by wearing a Women’s Day t-shirt and you can empower your daughters with a choice of artwork or trivia quiz. ‘Made in the UK Day’ is another mid-March annual event, this time championing craftsmanship, innovation, and quality products made everywhere the United Kingdom. Again, this is an easy one for hut owners to join in with, by supporting the local economy and artisans who produce goods of any kind. In Sussex that includes wine-makers and lots of local food products too. Later in March The Spring Equinox is traditionally the First Day of Spring as the daylight hours finally match those of the night. With a sense of ‘light beating darkness’ it really is a time for celebration. Puppy Day falls on the 23rd, so maybe a canine meet-up at the hut with both two and four legged friends could be a great way to enjoy the feeling of fun in the air? At the end of the month the clocks go forward and as British summer time begins it really will start to feel like things have moved quite a few steps forward from the dull damp winter gloom. As it’s also Mother’s Day it’s the perfect reason to have a family gathering at your beach hut and let your mum know just how special she is. Want to know more about owning your own beach hut? Get in touch. We’re the beach hut specialists in Brighton and Hove. Call us on 01273 735 237, email enquiries@callaways.co.uk or pop into the office at North & South Studios, 3 Wilbury Grove, Hove, BN3 3JQ (please call first to book a time).