Romantic Appeal of a Beach Hut

Romantic Appeal of a Beach Hut

Romantic Appeal of a Beach Hut

Romantic Appeal

Every February Valentine’s Day ensures that romance is in the air. It’s something to celebrate and enjoy, whether that means a new love or long-established unions.

Beach hut owners know that their home-from-home is a great place for get-togethers for family and friends, as well as being perfect for some ‘me time’ solitude. As with most things though there is also a middle ground, a perfect setting for a romantic tryst. Of course, if you’re single you can always adapt this 14 February tradition to celebrate long-standing friendships on Galentine’s Day instead. Let’s find out the romantic appeal of a beach hut (even in the coldest of weather!).

In the air

When love is in the air it’s a wonderful thing. When you add bracing sea air to the equation it can be quite a combination!

One of the things that makes a beach hut a great choice for Valentine’s Day is that at this time of year many other owners have shut up shop. The added peacefulness and quiet serenity that brings to a sometimes much busier setting adds to the ingredients for a romantic reverie.

This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday so it’s a great excuse to clock off work early and head down to the seafront. A leisurely stroll along the promenade together as the sun starts to dip could be a lovely way to start the celebrations without letting on to your loved one what the rest of the day has in store.

So how do you go about making your hut into something worthy of cupid?


As the great William Shakespeare once wrote “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.” Getting your hut ready for a 14 February liaison is all part of the fun. From the outside it might still look like it’s been locked up for the winter, but when you go inside it could reveal a totally unexpected scenario.

Of course the whole thing really comes down to how your own imagination can picture things – Open the door to your hut and reveal a cosy interior decked with heart shaped fairy lights or walls adorned with garlands. Get warm and snugly beneath valentine throws and then sit and toast the marshmallows of a specially made chocolate fondue hamper over the flames of a portable burner. The choices are endless but keep in mind that the UK weather in February isn’t always as accommodating as it could be. So however you deck out your hut make sure it’s warm and water tight!


Traditionally Valentine’s Day always has an element of surprise. The whole idea of an anonymous card addressed to ‘my Valentine’ from a secret admirer is embedded in lore. Of course, in today’s commercialised greeting card world it often doesn’t really work that way, especially if you’re in a long term relationship where you should (hopefully) be able to guess who it is!

However, a little subterfuge can help set the scene for a romantic surprise when you reach your beach hut destination. Opening the door to reveal a carefully prepared scene of seduction could change your lover’s opinion about beach huts forever!

For more information about owning your own beach hut get in touch, we’re the specialists in Brighton and Hove. Call 01273 735 237, email or call into the office at North & South Studios, 3 Wilbury Grove, Hove, BN3 3JQ (please call in advance in case we’re out on appointments).