News & Articles

New Home for Callaways

New Home for Callaways

New Home for Callaways Callaways have moved It's no secret that moving home is one of life's most stressful events.  However, that pales into insignificance with all the preparations we made for our 'moving office' day!  After 87 years, we woke up today to a new home for Callaways.

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Why property prices are still rising

Why property prices are still rising

Why Property Prices are Still Rising Revealed - why prices are still rising and why this is good news for sellers Hoping to sell your house quickly for a good price? Well, a thorough understanding of average house prices in the current market and when to list your property is necessary to achieve this.

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Beach Hut Spring Styles

Beach Hut Spring Styles

"Spring Styles" Beach Hut Spring Styles Brighton & Hove is a great seaside town! Having lived near the sea for over 20 years, I can easily identify with what makes Brighton & Hove, and the Sussex coast, a superb place for a day at the beach.

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Beach Huts Selling to Friends

Beach Huts Selling to Friends

"Beach Huts" Selling to Friends In my blog Beach Huts, Business or Pleasure, I posed the question about whether you should sell your beach hut to a friend, family member or neighbour?  You've probably had the conversation at some time or other about whether it's a good 'idea' to mix business with pleasure.

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New Year Home Resolutions

New Year Home Resolutions

New Year Home Resolutions My Top 2022 Home Resolutions How many years? How long have I been making New Year Resolutions, only to fail as soon as the Xmas cards and decorations are packed away?  This year I've made a real effort to plan my New Year Home Resolutions.

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Beach Hut Colours

Beach Hut Colours

"Beach Hut Colours" What do your paint colours say about you? Are you a ‘block colour’ or ‘colours of the rainbow’ kind of person?  One thing’s for sure – the beach huts on Brighton & Hove seafront provide a blast of colour in the darkest of days.

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House Price Predictions 2022

House Price Predictions 2022

House price predictions 2022 What are the experts saying? The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said that change is the only constant in life. This is always true of the property market as it never stays the same for long.

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Landlords Lettings & Litigation

Landlords Lettings & Litigation

"Landlords, Lettings & Litigation" Compliance and Eviction Notices When I post a blog as a follow-up to an interview I've done with a guest on my Radio Reverb show 'Let's Talk Property' it's because I think the information is so interesting it deserves as wide an audience as possible.

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Beach Hut Viewing Tips

Beach Hut Viewing Tips

"Beach Huts" Beach Hut Viewing Tips How long does it take to view a beach hut?  Five, ten or twenty minutes? If you answered "5 minutes", I’d hazard a guess that you’re not truly taking as much time as you should!  How long does it actually take to view the interior and exterior of a 6 x 6 shed? When you purchase a licence for a Beach Hut in Brighton & Hove, you will spend a minimum of 3 years visiting and enjoying your property on the prom.

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